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Becoming a PADI Rescue Diver

Becoming a PADI Rescue Diver

Becoming a Rescue Diver – Upgrading your skill’s & confidence

“The best moments in our lives are not the passive, receptive, relaxing times… The best moments usually occur if a person’s body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile.” ~ Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

PADI Rescue Course VideoPADI Rescue Course Video

Why everyone should do the PADI Rescue Course

One of the best ways to boost your dive confidence and level of experience is to do the PADI Rescue Course.

Have you ever been diving with a group of divers and a PADI Pro, maybe a divemaster or instructor as a guide. Wondered how the guide seems to be so confident and comfortable underwater? The answer may be simpler than you think!

The PADI Rescue course is not only about learning how to rescue your buddy in an emergency situation. It will also help you gain confidence and knowledge about your own personal diving.

Ask any certified rescue diver, DM or instructor about the PADI rescue course and they will all give you the same answer. “The funnest and most rewarding course”.

What makes the course so fun

One of the reasons why the Rescue Course is so much fun is that its a very hands on course, with multiple scenario’s and learning practical skills. You will also gain basic first aid and CPR skills from the course that are not only useful for scuba diving rescue’s but also in everyday life or in an unlikely emergency situation.

If you don’t already have a first aid/cpr certificate then you will spend the first half of day one doing a practical first aid course. This numerous scenario’s and lots of fun role playing. You will then go onto the PADI Rescue course, developing your skills in the pool with your instructor. There is also class role playing and learning skills to handle self rescue, panicked, distressed, and unconscious divers.

Already sounding like fun? Trust me, you WILL be tired. Day 2 you will find out why instructors have so much fun teaching the Rescue course, and you thought you were tired after day 1!

PADi Junior Open Water Course Aussie Divers

PADi Junior Open Water Course Aussie Divers


One of the reason’s the Rescue course is so rewarding is that it is 10 times more serious than the Open water and Advanced Course’s. It is also 100 times more fun, on day 2 your will get to role play lots of different situations. These role playing scenario’s will have you not only act as a panicked diver underwater and on the surface. You will also be switching roles and becoming the rescuer.

Diver with missing fins, lost mask or attempting to snatch your primary regulator directly from your mouth. Divers dropping weights, or that ‘narced’ diver who is trying to donate air from their alternate air source to fish. Because they looked like they needed air. All of these things can happen (believe it or not the donating air to fish is something i have seen myself.

After all of this get ready to deal with panicked divers on the surface (who will most certainly try to push you down into the blue). There also will be unconscious and missing divers underwater. You descend, fin, kick, push, lift, perform rescue breaths, drag divers, get them up onto the boat (some help here, boat boys?). Along with performing CPR, initiate emergency treatment and plan, and more.

Think you are done? nope, through out the day you will see people ‘fall off’ the boat, divers coming up ‘missing’ their buddy and all sorts of other fun scenarios will play out during the day.

Is the Rescue Course for you?

The Rescue course is not only something that need’s to be done for Divemasters and Instructors. It is something that we recommend to all divers to boost confidence and knowledge. It will take your diving to the next level. The underwater and rescue skills will stick with you throughout the rest of your diving career. If you are not the most confident diver, take up the rescue course. The training will boost not just your skills, but your underwater confidence too.

PADI Rescue Course Sign Up Now.

By Darren Gaspari

Proud owner and active PADI Gold Course Director of Aussie Divers Phuket, a professional and awarded PADI 5 Star Instructor Development Scuba Diving Centre. Member of the PADI Advisory Board for the eLearning modules 2019 and 2020.

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A Diving Community In Phuket

Here at Aussie Divers Phuket we don't just consider ourselves a PADI dive shop, we think of it as more, a big diving family of like minded individuals coming together to enjoy the marine environment through diving in Phuket & Thailand. We are always happy to chat with new divers or old, so please drop by anytime to see what is going on and if you have dived with us or want to dive with us than feel free to like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, read our community Dive Blog and generally stay in touch & stay informed.

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